Sunday, August 23, 2009

Game picks this month

Playing World of Warcraft chews up a LOT of time. That's why this semester I decided to flat-out stop playing, I might decide to pick it up after the semester, but recently I've realised how many games I've missed over the last few years. To fix this problem, I've been taking up these missed games.


Pretty much what Zero Punctuation said. I was especially impressed with the unique level design and witty portraits of society that this game made. for Zero Punctuation's take on it. If you enjoy good platforming, you'll enjoy this. It's really something unique and the art direction is something to really appreciate.

The other component of this "play games you missed while grinding XP and loots" is going back to the good ol' days of sega. One of my favourite games when sega was still cool was Ecco. I don't know why, I never could pass the thing, and only recently I worked out why: it's stupidly difficult. Not challenging, just ridiculous. I thought it was just because I was young. But no, it still managed to stump me today. The fun of being a dolphin somehow outweighs the frustration, and the length of the game was something to revel in given the usually short lengths of sega titles. As in, when I used to play it, I thought I was almost done. Recently I worked out that I was only about a third of the way there. Granted, the length of the game is somehow linked to how many times you need to do the same level again due to dying. My advice if you ever try this game: don't do it without a good emulator with save state and you'd probably want to hunt down a walkthrough for those ridiculous puzzles that you'll likely NEVER get. Or have patience. A lot of patience. In the smallest sense it's worth playing for the story (far fetched but atleast well developed) and for the experience of... being a dolphin. I guess.

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